Preventing Falls Preserves Health, Independence
Being honest and taking proactive steps to prevent future falls can guard against those very concerns. Fall prevention can also go a long way in cutting down on medical costs estimated at $50 billion annually.
Functional Fitness: Fighting Back Against Parkinson’s
The advancing symptoms of Parkinson’s disease take a punch with therapeutic boxing routines.
Age is No Barrier to Fitness
Starting an exercise program can be a challenge, which is as true for seniors as it is for anyone thinking about getting off the couch and becoming more active.
Overcoming Barriers to Senior Nutrition
Isolation, medication, fixed income and the effects of aging are just some of the factors that can leave seniors lacking the nutrients in their diets that they need to maintain their health.
Pandemic Underscores Importance of Home Caregivers
Caregivers are continually expanding programs and delivery methods to adjust to guidelines made necessary by the pandemic.